the color red class with Leslie showing a red triangle with a rainbow prism flowing thru it as well as a pink snake and a red star

The Color Red * January 15th at 6pm with Leslie

Regular price $25.00 Sale

The color red is a powerful ally when working with your passion and creativity.  A red aura tells us we are starting a new chapter. When dressed all in red we are expressing our power.  When we describe our feelings of anger people often call it red. 

Join Leslie as we discuss working with the energy of the color red as a being, energy or spirit.  Learn ways to incorporate the color red into your magical pantry of spell casting, intentional dressing, and color therapy.

The first class in the color series introduced by Leslie.  Join her as she leads you thru the rainbow. 

About Your Facilitator

Leslie McAllister (she/her) is the owner of Ceremonial and an esoteric student for most of her life, Leslie is an avid reader, intuitive and witch.  Tarot and spellcasting have been with her since a teenager and magic has lived within her forever.  Coming from a line of astrologers, spiritualists and readers, the cup was passed to Leslie when her Great-Grandmother passed away.  Since then, Leslie has been a prophetic dreamer and self-taught tarot reader.  

About the space

You will meet in The Moon Studio - 6736 Reynolds Street, on the second floor, right across the street from Ceremonial. Please use the outside staircase.

Please wear comfortable clothing because will be sitting on the floor; chairs and pillows are available.

Cancellation Policy: There are no refunds for classes and events. You can transfer your spot to a friend or donate it to the community if you are unable to attend. If you need to cancel your spot, please email