A safe space to learn, gather, create and expand
Leslie's vision for The Moon Studio is to unite the community while nurturing our minds and hearts.
Explore The Moon Studio
The Moon Studio offers a diverse selection of circles, workshops, and classes covering various topics and themes.
Cast a Circle
Join us once a month for our Casted Circle, typically aligned with the New or Full Moon, as well as the Solstices and the Wheel of the Year. Together, we create a sacred space, setting up an altar, calling the corners, and forming a divine container for our magical workings.
Browse All Casted Circles and Gatherings
The Moon Studio is located above the former Commonplace Coffee on Reynolds Street in Point Breeze, Pittsburgh. Please use the outside flight of stairs on the left-hand side when attending gatherings.
Share Your Gifts
If you are a teacher, reader, or healer interested in sharing a class or gathering, please email The Moon Studio at
Stay Connected
Follow us on Instagram @ceremonial_shop for updates and news!