Spiritual Connection and Inner Growth
Pendulums are defined as weighted objects attached at the end of a string or metal chain, suspended from a stationary position, that swing back and forth or in a circular motion. It will indicate a yes, no or maybe answer and can be helpful in tuning into the subconscious.
Pyrite: “The Go Getter”
There is nothing I can’t do. Aids in cultivating abundance, passion, joy and manifestation. A strong companion for protection acting as a deflector of negative energy. Brings in a high vibration and clear the mind to keep you on track.
Black Tourmaline: "The Shield"
The great stone protector, it helps to repel negativity and filter out electromagnetic waves. Keeping you grounded and connected.
Rainbow Stripe: "All the Colors"
Holding the energy of all the colors of the rainbow, this pendant helps you to tap into a full energy alignment.
Amethyst: "The Opener"
This stone connects into your intuition and third eye helping you to truly SEE. It's been said that we have three eyes, two to look and one to see.
Witch Tip- How to Connect to Your Pendulum
One of the most common questions we hear in the shop is, "how do I know what is yes and what is no with my pendulum?", and we think this is a great question! The answer is that only you will know and first you must as your pendulum some questions. We often suggest the following.
Ask the pendulum a question that you know the answer is yes to, for example your birthday. Whichever way it sways, this will be your yes.
Then, ask a question that you know is a no. For example, ask if you live in a place that you in fact do not live, this will be your no.
Also, we suggest connecting to the energy of the pendulum like you would a friend. Get to know it better by asking questions and/or dedicating time and attention to it.