Raise Your Vibration - A Guided Ritual and Spell Kit by Leslie McAllister

If we all raise our vibration, we live in our purpose.
If we are living in our purpose, we are in harmony.
If we are in harmony, we are in alignment with the Earth.
If we are in alignment with the Earth, we can truly heal it.


Meet Raise Your Vibration

Ceremonial’s newest addtion. Crafted by Ceremonials creatrix, Leslie McAllister. This spell kit is made with love, intention, and light. Leslie made this kit as a guide to Raising our Vibrations, standing in our truth, and remaining open.


Learn more about the Raise Your Vibration Spell kit

Raise Your Vibration Guided Ritual


Clear and cleanse the space with your cedar bundle.
Take a couple drops of the gem essence under your tongue, drop on the candle or place in your altar chalice.
Set an intention for clarity.
Focus your mind on the intention.
Write the intention on the candle and anoint with oil.
Hold the candle near your heart and recite your intention.
Now light your candle.
Focus on the flame.
Envision your light grounding, your energy raising and your channel clearing.
Surround yourself in beautiful, golden, holographic light.
Carry your amethyst as a talisman and take the drops as needed.
The gem essence may also be used on the skin, your pillowcase, or in your bath.
Say “thank you” and act ‘as if.’
Remember intention + action = manifestation.
Best used during a Waxing or Full Moon on Monday or Thursday at the time of the Moon or Jupiter.




Thank you!

Purchase the Raise Your Vibration Spell kit


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