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Setting Boundaries, Courage, Friendship

Element: Water
Use: Healing emotional wounds, setting boundaries, energetic shielding, courage, friendship
Crystal Ally: Rhodonite
Native to: Europe, Asia, North America
Other Associations: "Devils Nettle"

Dried herbs may be used in all magical workings including, but not limited to; ritual baths, incense, teas, candle magic and talisman pouches.

Pricing is for one small, but generous bag of dried herbs

Our Favorite Ways to Use Ritual Herbs

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Bath & Soaking

Brew your herbs over a stove top until boiling, turn heat off, cover the pot, and let steep. Strain and pour into your bath tea into your bath or foot soak.

Incense Burning & Smoke Cleansings

Place a charcoal disc in a fireproof safe dish, cauldron, or vessel. Light your disc and allow the initial smoke to dissipate. Place your herbs on top of the disc, adding more as time goes on or until the disc is no longer heated.

Learn More About How to Use Ritual Herbs

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Disclaimer: All of the herbs listed on and at Ceremonial are for ritual purpose only. We are not physicians or herbalists and make no claim that any of these herbs will heal or cure any alignments. Please consult your physician and/or local herbalist before ingesting or using any herbs other than for ritual use. If you are local to Pittsburgh, we would be more than happy to suggest some wonderful local herbalists to you- please send us a email at